2021-01 Online Eyesight Training Course Stories from Germany
1.) A woman, name Gerhild shared:
Before the course:
my Vision in the distance is good.
When reading, the letters are blurred. I need reading glasses with 2 dpt.
In good light and when rested, there are sometimes seconds of clear vision.
After the course:
I have replaced the reading glasses with 1.5 Dpt and 1.0 Dpt strong glasses. With 1.5 Dpt I can now read
read quite well, with 1.0 Dpt only in optimal light and rested. Moments of clear vision become more frequent
and longer, but are not closely related in time to the meditations.
I have been meditating daily for several years. Headaches, backaches, tensions
have improved again in the last 4 weeks.
I continue ! Thank you
2.) A woman, name Nannette shared:
“Sitting here in Cologne (Germany) I feel very grateful for the knowledge and vibrations you shared with us on the weekends in January. Although I did not find the time or discipline to practise on a daily basis, I very much enjoyed all of the weekend sessions can tell that there are improvements to report, mainly on the hyperopia end and I will continue not to wear glasses in my spare time. It is much easier for me to practice outside in nature and I will try to find more discipline in this. Also I am very excited to learn how the positive effects will develop over a longer period, so I will let you and Anita know if there is more to tell until summer. Thank you to both of you for the training – theory, story telling, company for the practice and for sending healing energy. Hun yuan ling tong!
3.) A woman, name Franziska shared:
Many thanks for the really interesting and inspiring class. I have learnt a lot and I am going to continue the training as a 100 days gong.Of the beginning of the professional far away looking method the letter always appears quite blurry. After some time it became clearly and last for some seconds. Depending on the daytime I did the training the letter became clearly faster (with daylight and without working on the computer the whole day). In the evening after working and with lamplight there are only short clearly segments. Some days the eyes are tearing very qickly and the nose started to run spotaneously. The more relaxed I or my mind was and the less I was expecting a special result the better it works.
4.) A woman, name Birgit shared:
unfortunately I could not always be there, but I practiced every day and now gradually notice small changes. Already after a few days my eyes felt fresh and less tired. The eyesight has only improved a little, I feel, since last week. I will continue to incorporate the exercises into my daily practice and report on further progress in due course.
I really enjoyed the course, especially the way the instructor taught.
5.) A woman name Erika shared:
Dear teacher Dong,
I wo’nt give you the training document back since there is no change concerning clear vision. When I was sent to school in 1946 they found out that my left eye could’nt see (10 % vision) . So my right eye was covered to train the left . It did’nt work – I was a kid and took it constantly off and nobody told me of the consequences. From then on I had to wear glasses (both normal and reading glasses) which I do until now and some day my eye doctor told my that the nerves of my left eye are ‚dead‘. And from then on I never let my left eye do what it is made for. It just went along with my right one. Until your course started. The first week I worked alternating with both eyes and when you told on the second weekend to work only with one eye provided there is a big difference I started to see only with my left eye fort ten minutes and in general I started to use my glasses only in case of need. Of course, I can’t see the biggest letter clearly but I definitely recognize it. But – last week I needed new glasses because of grey catarect – the optician found out that my left vision is now 20 %, i.e. it doubled. And both eyes communicate now which I think is great. Good news and I will go on training, for some weeks more with my left eye and then the right. Thanks to mingjue qigong I gained more patience and can accept things as they are, learnt to see inwards and behind events and things so I can only say THANK YOU – and HAOLA
6.) A woman , name Stefanie shared:
Unfortunately, my mouches volantes have not improved so far. Nevertheless, the training has brought me a lot, especially for the inner peace, and I hope that this way, with further practice, an improved state of health, especially of the eyes will occur.
Many thanks